PANDAS Trial Flights

PANDAS Trial FlightsAre you interested in having a go at flying a radio controlled aircraft?

If you are and might be interested in the hobby, why not give one of the club instructors (details below) a call and arrange for a trial flight on one of our dual control aircraft.

Subject to the weather and availability of the instructors, we can usually arrange trial flights on most days to suit you.

Just give one of them a call if you are interested.


Martin Lynn: 07802 725 231

Graham Worfolk: 07961 815 918

Allan Marshall: 07974 806 737 


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1 Response

  1. 24th October 2023

    […] We will be giving a static display and  handing out invitations for people to come to the field over the next few weeks with the offer of a trial flight. […]

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