Article 16

Article 16 Introduced 31/12/2020

The new CAA legislation came into force on 31st December 2020.

Document CAP 722 (link below) gives most of the details.

CAP 722 Document Link

It is a complex document and if anyone takes the trouble to read it (238 pages), you will see it is aimed at all unmanned aircraft, including most of what we fly as club flyers.

Under the actual legislation there is a clause (Article 16) that allows the CAA to exempt members who fly under the umbrella of model flying associations such as the BMFA, LMA, SAA & FPV UK etc. to exempt their members from parts of the new legislation (page 186 of the 722 document).

Most model flying clubs including PANDAS, will fly under the rules and regulations of Article 16 (links below). This is a legal document containing the rules and regulations that govern what we can and can not do. In essence it means people who are current members of certain model aircraft associations, like the BMFA, can fly under terms and conditions that better suit their purposes.

I have included a list of useful document links below, that members may find useful to read, including some of my own explantions of some of the terminology. I will add to this list as time progresses and hopefully it will be one stop page, for members to look at, to keep up to date.

If anyone has any questions or needs to clarify anything, please feel free to call or email me.

Martin Lynn,
PANDAS Chairman.
Mobile: 07802 725 231


BMFA Article 16 Detailed Guide

CAA Article 16 Full Document

 BMFA Article 16 Quick Start Guide

 Competency PANDAS Chairman’s Explanation

Operator Numbers PANDAS Chairman’s Explanation